Rogue Waves

Scientist for years have been stumped on how to model the mystical rogue wave, a wave so extreme it completely contradicts the physics of ocean waves as we know them. Recently however, scientists were able to make real life simulations of rogue waves in a laboratory setting using a form of the quantum-mechanic Schrödinger Equation. While it is unlikely this equation is the true model of natural occurring rogue waves, it imitates the characteristics of a rogue wave the closest. Using a specific form of the equation known as the Peregrine Soliton, the solutions can be used to model the motion of the rogue wave. 

In the poster below I modeled the movement and shape of the wave in MATLAB (shown in the 3D graphs), and major forces that would act on a ship if it faced it head on. The Peregrine soliton wave packet is the first 3D graph shown, while the model when accounting for background ocean storm wave interference can be seen below. 

When comparing the overall force to the typical loads modern super-tankers are designed to withstand, any ship at any angle would stand little to no chance in surviving such a force. This aligns with shipwreck analysis of what we now associate with rogue waves.